So excited to get started on this portrait of my sweet cousin Stephanie at her hip Barn Wedding. She is beautiful! and I aim to capture a likeness of that beauty and special day as a wedding gift for her and her new hubby Troy!
Newest WIP painting "Madison Co. WNC Field of Poppies" that I'm working on every Thursday when I meet with a group of fellow Madison Co. Artists at the County Community Center on Long Branch Rd.
More than being excited to see this painting develop of a lovely poppy field I photographed while traveling the Marshall/Weaverville Hwy a few weeks ago.. is the excitement I have at finally meeting and getting to hang out with fellow artists from my home county in WNC... All my new artist friends are so fun, creative and supportive... and they are a blast to be around... I've been back in my home town about 2 1/2 yrs now and I was feeling the need to connect with local artists... I knew they were out there somewhere. I can really see us creating something together... like an Artists Collective... we might start with creating a group Facebook page... we shall see... but there is no limit to what we might do... Feeling unlimited today! Yipee!! My sister Carrie is so beautiful!!! and I love her so! I came across an older photo of her from the early 90's ... on of those "Glamour Shots" if anyone remembers that those were popular around that time. Anyway... I wanted to take advantage of the lighting and extra makeup and hairdo that got laid on her for her Glamour shot and use the image to create my newest abstract portrait.... I really love the way it turned out and had a fabulous time creating it and using all that vivid color... Check out the WIP photo's below... you can see that at first I was sweatin it a little and Carrie initially looked like a medusa before transforming into this final Goddess! I have so much enjoyed my newest abstract portrait that was commissioned by Lori Valentine. This young handsome man is her talented son Logan Jayne.
I so appreciate the positive words from Lori on the completed artwork.. I am happy to report that she absolutely loves it! Below are some process photo's of the work in progress (WIP). I hope that you enjoy! I'd say this one is a complete success!!! I LOVE IT!!! I'd say the results of my experiment, regarding if this is a technique that I like and excel, are in.... and it's a keeper!!!
Honestly, this is the way that I have desired to paint portraits my whole art career.... and I have finally found it! It feels like a true gift from the divine for me.. I am overjoyed and sooo excited about my artistic discovery! An added BIG Bonus is that I am seeming to ZOOM with these. So far my previous experimentations using this technique has me completing the project in less than 24 hrs... and that is amazing to me... usually have taken a month to get the image to my satisfaction... Following are some process pics of my process as I created this portrait of my lovely daughter Zara... Enjoy! |
AuthorMy name is Chris Bell & I am an artist Archives
September 2017
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